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Amazon Marketplace Services: What Every Seller Needs to Know 2024

Amazon Marketplace

With the rise of e-commerce, selling on online marketplaces has become an essential part of many businesses' strategies. Amazon, the largest online marketplace in the world, offers immense opportunities for sellers to reach a global customer base. However, navigating the complexities of the Amazon Marketplace can be challenging without the right knowledge and tools.

In this article, we will explore the key aspects of Amazon Marketplace services that every seller needs to know in 2024.

Why Should Sellers Consider Amazon Marketplace Management Services?

Selling on the Amazon Marketplace can be highly lucrative, but it also requires careful planning and execution. Here are some reasons why sellers should consider utilizing Amazon marketplace management services:

  • Increased Visibility: With millions of daily visitors, the Amazon Marketplace provides sellers unparalleled exposure to potential customers.
  • Access to Prime Customers: By utilizing Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) services, sellers can tap into Amazon Prime's vast customer base, known for its high purchasing power.
  • Streamlined Operations: Amazon marketplace management services help sellers automate various aspects of their business, such as inventory management, order fulfillment, and customer service, allowing them to focus on core activities.
  • Expert Guidance: Amazon marketplace management services often come with dedicated account managers who have in-depth knowledge of the platform and can provide valuable insights and guidance to sellers.


Top 5 Amazon Marketplace Services for Sellers

Amazon offers a range of services to help sellers succeed on its platform. Let's explore some of the key services:

1. Amazon Seller Central

Amazon Seller Central is a web interface that allows sellers to manage their Amazon Marketplace accounts. It provides tools for listing products, managing inventory, analyzing sales data, and communicating with customers. Seller Central is the central hub for sellers to monitor and control their Amazon business.

2. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a service that allows sellers to store their products in Amazon's fulfillment centers. Amazon handles the entire order fulfillment process, including picking, packing, shipping, and customer service. FBA enables sellers to leverage Amazon's extensive logistics network and offer Prime-eligible products to customers.

3. Sponsored Products

Sponsored Products is an advertising program that allows sellers to promote their products on Amazon's search results and product detail pages. By bidding on relevant keywords, sellers can increase their product visibility and drive more traffic to their listings. Sponsored Products can be a powerful tool for sellers looking to boost their sales and reach a wider audience.

4. Amazon Advertising

Amazon Advertising offers various advertising solutions beyond Sponsored Products. These include display ads, video ads, and custom ads that can be targeted to specific audiences. With Amazon Advertising, sellers can create highly targeted campaigns to increase brand awareness and drive sales.

5. Amazon Brand Registry

Amazon Brand Registry is a program designed to help sellers protect their brand and intellectual property rights on the Amazon Marketplace. By enrolling in Brand Registry, sellers can access tools that allow them to monitor and report potential infringements, create a unique brand presence, and unlock additional marketing and advertising features.


What is the Cost of Amazon Marketplace Services?

The cost of Amazon Marketplace services varies depending on the specific service and the seller's business needs. Here are some key cost factors to consider:

  • Referral Fees: Amazon charges sellers a referral fee for each item sold on the Marketplace. The referral fee is a percentage of the item's sale price and varies by category.
  • Fulfillment Fees: For sellers utilizing FBA, Amazon charges fees for storage, picking, packing, and shipping the products. These fees depend on the size and weight of the items.
  • Advertising Costs: Sellers using Amazon Advertising pay for their advertising campaigns based on a cost-per-click (CPC) model. The cost per click varies depending on the competition for the targeted keywords.
  • Subscription Fees: Amazon offers a Professional Selling Plan for high-volume sellers, which comes with a monthly subscription fee. Individual sellers can also pay a per-item fee instead of a subscription fee.


The Amazon Marketplace offers immense opportunities for sellers to grow their businesses and reach a global customer base. However, succeeding on the platform requires a deep understanding of its services and how to leverage them effectively. By utilizing Amazon marketplace management services, sellers can streamline their operations, increase visibility, and tap into Amazon's vast customer base. Whether it's through Seller Central, FBA, Sponsored Products, or Amazon Advertising, sellers have a range of tools at their disposal to drive sales and achieve success on the Amazon marketplace services.

As the e-commerce landscape evolves, staying up-to-date with the latest Amazon Marketplace services and trends will be crucial for sellers looking to stay ahead of the competition and maximize their profits. By investing in the right Amazon marketplace management services like Amazon Listing Services and leveraging the platform's power, sellers can unlock new growth opportunities and thrive in the ever-expanding world of online retail.

Weigh the Pros and Cons of Navigating Amazon’s Marketplace as a Vendor, Seller, and Hybrid

Vendor Services

Businesses must make a critical choice when it comes to selling products on Amazon: should they opt to be a seller or a vendor? Entrepreneurs frequently struggle with this decision and consider the advantages and disadvantages of each course of action. Making an informed choice that is in line with their corporate aims and business goals requires an understanding of the differences between these two jobs. We will examine the essential distinctions, benefits, and things to keep in mind when deciding whether to become an Amazon vendor or seller in this blog, offering insightful information to assist businesses in making this crucial decision.

Who Is an Amazon Vendor?

An Amazon vendor, also known as a first-party seller, assumes the role of a manufacturer, wholesaler, or distributor when selling on Amazon. With Amazon vendor central, you sell your products directly to Amazon rather than to the end consumer. It resembles a wholesale relationship, similar to selling to physical stores like Walmart or Tesco. Amazon vendor services act as the customer in this arrangement.

Amazon vendor services include managing inventory, customer service, and after-sales support. They decide how much inventory to purchase based on their estimation of product demand and issue purchase orders accordingly. Amazon vendor services can set the retail price and modify content on the product pages. Although vendors provide content to Amazon, the final decision rests with Amazon.

How Does One Recognize a Vendor or Seller on Amazon?

To differentiate between vendors and other sellers on Amazon, you can look for products dispatched and sold directly by Amazon on the product detail page. It indicates a vendor relationship where Amazon owns and sells the product.

Why Should You Become A Vendor?

The question often arises as to why businesses choose to be vendors. By becoming a vendor, you enter into a wholesale relationship where Amazon purchases inventory in quantity rather than single units. It means Amazon vendor services place purchase orders for larger volumes, such as pallets or cartons, making it economically viable for your business.

It's significant to note that Amazon follows a "little and often" approach, frequently placing smaller orders rather than stocking large quantities for extended periods. Amazon vendor services operate fulfillment centers where goods are quickly processed and shipped out. Thus, expect smaller but more frequent purchase orders from Amazon as a vendor.

Advantages of Being A Vendor

1. Inventory Management

Being a vendor has its advantages, primarily because Amazon vendor services take care of inventory management. You don't have to worry about determining how much inventory to send to Amazon as a vendor since they handle the ordering process. In most cases, Amazon vendor services provide a forecast for your inventory needs, although its accuracy may vary if your sales fluctuate significantly. However, if you participate in specific programs like Amazon Fresh or Amazon Prime Now, which often originate from the vendor side, you may receive invitations that serve as incentives.

2. Competing for the Buy Box

Another reason businesses become vendors is that they don't have to compete for the buy box. Amazon vendor services handle that on their behalf, eliminating the need to adjust pricing and engage in strategies to win the buy box. In the past, these additional features and advantages made businesses more inclined to become vendors. However, with the availability of Seller Central for brand owners with registered trademarks, the playing field has become more even. Seller Central provides access to similar tools and features, creating a level playing field for sellers and vendors.

What Is the Role of a Seller on Amazon?

As a seller on Amazon, third-party (3P), you take on more responsibilities compared to being a vendor. You are responsible for managing your inventory and customer service. However, if you choose Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), Amazon will handle inventory management and customer service on your behalf. But even with FBA, you must determine how much inventory to send to Amazon's fulfillment centers.

Advantages of Being a Seller

1. Control Over Pricing

When a business chooses between becoming a vendor or a seller, it may consider its existing setup. Some companies have both wholesale and direct-to-consumer arrangements. One reason a business might choose to be a seller instead of a vendor is to have control over pricing. As a vendor, Amazon sets retail prices, which some companies may not prefer or trust. They view Amazon vendor services as their customer rather than the end consumer.

2. Contact with Customers

Becoming a seller allows direct contact with the end consumer on Amazon. While Amazon's terms of service restrict contacting customers, you still have more visibility and communication options compared to being a vendor.

What Is the Hybrid Approach?

It means you have access to Seller Central and Vendor Central accounts and must manage your assortment between the two platforms strategically.

This hybrid approach requires careful consideration. It's not simply a matter of opening a seller account and mirroring your vendor account. It would help if you strategized which products to sell as a seller and which to sell through Amazon vendor services.

For example, you may choose to nurture new products and accelerate sales on the seller side before transitioning them to the vendor side at a later stage. A hybrid approach involves thoughtful planning and cannot be achieved quickly, typically with more than six months or a year to establish.

Points to Ponder Over While Choosing Between Being a Seller and a Vendor

  • Special Tools: It's important to note that specific tools and features previously exclusive to Amazon vendor services have become available to sellers and vice versa. For instance, in the past, vendors had to pay for plus content, but now it's free for sellers. These changes in availability can impact the decision-making process.
  • Economical Viability: Some sellers have experienced increased business by transitioning to being a vendor. They have seen larger orders, albeit not massive bulk orders, than they received as sellers. Shipping in packs once a week to Amazon instead of individual orders has proven to be more cost-effective for some businesses.
  • Listing Changes: As disruptions can occur, it's crucial to be cautious when switching from a seller to a vendor. Product images, titles, and optimized product pages from the seller account may change when under Amazon vendor services, which can create challenges.
  • Backup Strategy: If you decide to become a vendor, timing is essential. Starting with new products or listings not already on the seller account, such as multi-packs or unique offerings, can help you become familiar with the platform before fully committing. It's advisable to have a backup strategy in case of any unforeseen difficulties during the transition.
  • Administrative Tasks: Remember that obtaining an Amazon vendor services account requires an invitation from Amazon. However, working with agencies or freelancers who have connections with Amazon's business development team might open up opportunities for such conversations.

Additionally, it's important to note that being a vendor involves significant administrative tasks, including managing purchase orders, shipment notifications, shipping labels, invoices, and accounting. If your resources are already stretched thin as a seller, you should carefully evaluate doubling the workload as a vendor.


When deciding between being a seller or a vendor on Amazon, it's crucial to evaluate your business goals, resources, and preferences carefully. Ultimately, choosing between being a seller and a vendor depends on your business needs and objectives.

Consider factors such as the availability of tools and features, advertising potential, the economic viability of shipping options, and the impact on existing product listings. Timing and strategic planning are critical to a successful transition, and it's essential to have a backup strategy in case of any challenges.

When faced with the choice between becoming an Amazon seller or vendor, seeking guidance from experts or agencies who are well-versed in Amazon's platform can be highly advantageous. These professionals can provide valuable insights into Amazon vendor central management and Amazon seller central services, helping you navigate the decision-making process and determine the best approach for your business.

Consulting with experienced experts, such as those from Vserve Amazon Listing Services can ensure that you receive specialized advice tailored to your specific needs, maximizing your chances of success on Amazon.

This blog is inspired by the video ‘Amazon Vendor Central vs Seller Central or Hybrid? Differences, Pros and Cons’ by ‘Orange Klik.’

Amazon Marketing Expert Advice to Increase Sales

Amazon Experts Advice

Because of the enormous amount of traffic on the eCommerce platform, Amazon is a great place for sellers to showcase their products in front of their target audience. With such massive traffic, the competition on the forum is also huge. How can Amazon sellers beat and boost their product sales in this competitive marketplace?

Many Amazon sellers have succeeded on Amazon getting their products in front of the right audience and converting sales. If they can do it, then you can do it too. All you have to do is follow the best practices that boost your ranking, reachability, and conversion rate.

Here we bring the top 8 Amazon marketing experts' advice to help sellers increase their sales on Amazon and become successful as Amazon sellers.

1. Optimize Your Amazon Product Listing for SEO

It is not easy to get the attention of your potential customers and encourage them to purchase your products. By optimizing your product listing for Amazon SEO, you can ensure a higher ranking of your listing that can result in higher visibility and a higher click-through rate. Optimize your product listing for relevant keywords and mention product details aptly. Consider various aspects of your product listing, including product title, bullet points, product images, and product description, while optimizing the listing for Amazon SEO. However, while optimizing for Amazon, do not ignore Google because everything in your product listing can also be listed on Google. The leading search engine is a huge source of Amazon traffic.

2. Follow Amazon's Product Guidelines

It is important to always adhere to Amazon's product guidelines when creating and optimizing your product listing. If your product listing doesn't comply with the guidelines, Amazon may penalize your listing or ban your seller's account. This is why it becomes essential to get the services of Amazon experts who understand the guidelines and adhere to them while optimizing your product listing for Amazon and Google. With trusted and experienced experts, you don't need to worry about the consequences of not complying with the guidelines.

3. Use Amazon's Branding Tools

Amazon provides several beneficial tools to Amazon sellers that they can use to boost their product visibility and sales. However, sellers must register themselves with Amazon Brand Registry to use these features. After registering with Amazon Brand Registry, sellers can add A+ content to their listing. The quality is only available for brand owners, and it can help sellers stand out from the competition. The brand dashboard is another brand-exclusive feature that allows sellers to avail opportunities to boost relevant traffic, customer experience, and conversion. Brands also access features like Amazon attribution, Amazon Renewed, Amazon storefronts, and other features.

4. Leverage Amazon Ads

Using sponsored ads is a great way to increase sales on Amazon. It can help drive relevant traffic to your product listing and boost your brand visibility. To start advertising your products on Amazon, you must choose the products to promote and decide your advertising budget. According to, the average cost per click on Amazon is $0.89, and the average conversion rate is 36.67 conversions per user per day. Amazon provides multiple options to sellers for placing ads, including Sponsored Ads, Product Display Ads, and Headline Search Ads.

5. Get More Reviews

Product reviews have a significant influence on purchasing decisions of your customers. As many as 80% of online customers consider product reviews for deciding whether or not to buy a product online. For many Amazon sellers, convincing customers to give their thoughts is challenging. This is why some sellers started to incentivize customers to provide reviews. However, this is against Amazon's policies, and Amazon can remove such listings. Sellers need to develop an effective review management strategy to increase product sales. Amazon sellers can hire Amazon listing optimization experts to help them get genuine reviews from verified Amazon users.

6. Check and Track Competition

To become a successful Amazon seller, tracking what your competitors are doing in the marketplace is essential. Analyzing your competitors is a great way to know what you might be missing or what your potential customers may be looking for. Sellers can use the following four tools to track their competition:

  • SEMRush: Use this marketing tool to collect information on relevant keywords and track how the competitors' products rank on Amazon for those keywords.
  • Ahrefs: This tool allows sellers to analyze the product listing most successfully for a particular keyword.
  • Moat: Moat can be used to check and track competitor ads and how much money they invest in a particular ad type. This will help you analyze how the competitors target your potential customers and how successful they are in their campaigns.
  • Price tracking tools: As product pricing is an essential factor that potential customers may consider while buying a product, it becomes crucial for Amazon sellers to track when the competitors change their product pricing. Several excellent price tracking tools allow sellers to keep track of the prices of all competitors' product listings.

7. Add Backend keywords

Amazon product listing optimization services doesn't just include adding keywords to the product title, bullet points, and description. Sellers can use the backend keyword feature. These keywords can be added to Amazon Seller Central Management and are called Search terms. Amazon uses these keywords to rank product listings for relevant searches. This will result in better product visibility and more sales. Amazon allows sellers to add up to 125 words in backend keywords.

8. Win Buy Box

Winning Amazon Buy Box for your product is the best strategy to increase product sales. When an Amazon seller wins the Buy box, at least 80% of all the deals are redirected to that seller, as most buyers don't even look at other sellers' products. Buyers just click on "Add to Cart," and the seller who owns the Buy Box wins the sale. To win the Amazon buy box, sellers need to follow the following strategies:

  • Ensuring that the product is never out of stock
  • Responding to customer queries within 24 hours
  • Keeping a competitive product pricing
  • Using Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)
  • Sticking to the shipping guidelines
  • Reducing the defective products

Winning Amazon Buy Box for a particular product is an ongoing strategy, and sellers need to keep the listing optimized and track the competitors' pricing to keep the Buy Box for longer.


Every Amazon seller aims to boost their product sales using different marketing strategies, and there are several ways to achieve this. Following the suggestions mentioned above from Amazon marketplace experts will help Amazon sellers increase their sales but also help them improve brand awareness and achieve higher customer satisfaction.

From optimizing the product listing with the right keywords to continuously monitoring competitors' listing and pricing, staying ahead of the competition is the key to success as an Amazon seller. Managing all this can be difficult, but putting all the hard work into this can be worth it as it will help increase brand awareness and product sales.

Convert Clicks to Profit with Amazon Pay-Per-Click Optimization Service

Convert Clicks To Profit With Amazon Pay Per Click Optimization Service

Pay-per-click has been an imminent way of creating customers and audiences. For search, the average PPC conversion rate across all industries is 3.75 percent (Google Ads). For display networks, it's around 0.77 percent. Of course, the conversion rate differs per industry. For example, in the Dating and Personal market, conversion rates for search are as high as 9.64 percent. On the other hand, the average conversion rate for advocacy is only 1.96 percent.

Driving traffic to your listing and executing frequent Amazon listing optimization to boost conversions are the two keys to extensive sales and huge earnings on Amazon. The following is a quick primer on thoroughly preparing your Amazon product listing for large sales on Prime Day and throughout the year. 

Your internal advertising system with Amazon listing optimization

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising on Amazon is an excellent approach to increasing your goods' visibility. It creates sponsored adverts for your goods, putting them in front of the search results. Each time a customer clicks on your ad, a charge on bid happens. 

  • Combine all Amazon PPC platforms. Sponsored Ads, Headline Search Ads, and Amazon Stores are examples of this.
  • All new Prime Day campaigns should be launched at least two weeks ahead of time, with a $100 budget. The majority of shoppers will wait until Prime Day to make their final purchases. They'll put the item in their shopping basket and pay when it arrives. To begin advertising right now.
  • Promote all products with 3.5+ stars. If your product has received positive feedback, make sure many individuals see it.
  • In PPC advertising, group your products. Group similar products that have a better possibility of being bought together. So, to enhance your bottom line, implement multi-product campaigns.
  • Increase your daily budget by at least 200 percent. Holiday traffic is similar to Prime Day traffic. And the last thing you want is to wake up on Prime Day to discover that your budget has dried up while you were sleeping. If you have a lot of Amazon listing optimization and strong conversion rates, you'll be able to recoup your investment.
  • Bid+ should be enabled. Bid+ is a manual campaign advertising tool that allows you to increase your keyword bids by 150 percent if you have a probability of getting to the top page. Don't worry if it appears that you're spending more money for the same number of clicks. Conversion rates are often more excellent on Prime Day, so fewer clicks result in more sales.
  • Make use of a variety of keyword kinds. Broad match keywords are less expensive and cast a giant net, but they may not convert. While phrase and exact match keywords may not generate as many impressions, they can assist you in identifying high-converting keywords.
  • Include some nasty terms. Keywords are not always used to inform people that you are on vacation. Especially if you've realized they have a lousy track record.

Increasing your AmazonPay-Per-Click conversion rate could be pretty challenging to retain. Aside from these, it would be best always to remember to assess and re-evaluate your strategies. Know your past and current, and foresee your future Amazon Pay-Per-Click conversion rate. These are critical activities of our Amazon listing optimization services. 

To do so, start tracking all of the conversions from your existing PPC ads. These ads, in turn, can assist you in determining which campaigns are succeeding and which are not. As a result, you'll know which techniques you should keep and which ones you should abandon. It can also assist you in determining your typical PPC conversion rate based on your campaigns.

Is Amazon Pay-Per-Click Worth It?

PPC advertising on Amazon can help you increase sales, enhance organic rankings, and raise brand exposure. You're probably missing out on a significant potential if you're using Amazon as a selling (but not advertising) platform.

Should You Avail?

Amazon Pay-Per-Click is often more effective than other ad channels since it allows you to contact shoppers where they make purchases (i.e., on Amazon). Amazon Pay-Per-Click enables you to market your products on Amazon in apparent locations, including desktop and mobile browsers and the Amazon app.

You may choose from a range of Amazon ad kinds depending on your goals, control and flexibly establish and scale your budget, and monitor how your advertising worked with detailed reports using Amazon PPC. To guarantee that your message reaches the intended audience, Amazon PPC offers a variety of targeting options, including keywords, categories, brands, and items (ASINs—Amazon Standard Identification Numbers) and retargeting on external websites.

How About the Amazon Advertising Fees?

Advertisements for Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands are purchased on a cost-per-click (CPC) basis and displayed for free—views and impressions are not. Both CPC and cost per 1,000 visible impressions (VCPM) models are available for Sponsored Display adverts. You only pay when a potential customer clicks on your ad with Amazon CPC. You have control over how much you're willing to pay per click, hence how much you spend on ads.

Amazon Cost-Per-Click Auction: How Does It Work?

A second-price auction determines the cost per click (CPC) for each ad on Amazon. For their ad, each advertiser enters a default bid (the most amount they are ready to spend per click).

The top bidder receives the highest ad position (ad rank #1) and pays the highest CPC, but they do not accept the whole amount bid. Only $0.01 separates the most elevated and second-highest bidders.

The Average Cost-Per-Click

CPCs on normally run from $0.02 to $3.00. They can vary significantly based on the product category, marketplace, and ad kind. See our free Sellics Amazon PPC Benchmarker [Beta] tool for CPC benchmarks.

Should You Be Wary of Hidden Charges Associated with Amazon Pay-Per-Click?

No, is the quick response. The pricing structure is straightforward and transparent. You only pay for your Amazon advertisements when someone clicks on one of them, and you have complete control over how much you spend because you select your bids and daily PPC budget.

The second-highest bidder in the ad auction will determine the exact amount you spend per click. You will win the auction if you are the top bidder, and you will pay $0.01 more than the second-highest bidder.

Before Jumping to Amazon Pay-Per-Click, Optimize Your Amazon Listing

Before you begin PPC advertising on Amazon, optimize your Amazon product listings for Amazon SEO, which is required for keyword targeting and optimizing your Amazon PPC advertisements' click-through rate and conversion rate.

There are two steps to Amazon SEO:

  • Keyword Optimization: In the product listing text, include all relevant keywords where the product is. A keyword in your listing is required not only for organic rankings but also for your advertisements to be seen for that keyword and to generate impressions from ad views.
  • Listing or Content Optimization: To enhance both your organic and PPC click-through rate and conversion rate, use high-quality and relevant photos, explicit language, and so on.

To Wrap Up

There are various techniques to boost your Amazon store's conversion rate. However, Amazon's pay-per-click plan is a more crucial and effective means to get it in. Should you be thinking twice or having doubts, you can still try and dip your feet in the waters. You will never know unless you try. If you need help with marketing, Amazon Listing Services may be able to assist you.

7 Powerful Amazon Marketing Strategies to Boost your Business revenue

7 Powerful Amazon Marketing Strategies To Boost Your Business Revenue

As the largest e-commerce site in North America and among the most successful brands worldwide, Amazon offers a great platform for business owners to enhance their popularity. 

Statistics indicate that Amazon ships around 1.6 million packages every day. Amazon websites recorded 213 million visitors in the US alone in July 2020. 

There are many benefits of marketing your products on Amazon. Yet, business owners often struggle with making the most out of Amazon for their business. Data indicates that of the 9.1 million sellers on Amazon, about 2.3 million are presently active. Many of them report having issues getting their products to rank in the initial search engine results pages (SERPs).

Sellers can make the most out of Amazon SEO by reconstructing their marketing strategies. For instance, using Amazon sponsored products and Amazon sponsored ads, a business owner can build brand awareness and inform a buyer’s decision-making process. To enable businesses to gain more out of selling their products on Amazon, we shall explore seven powerful Amazon marketing strategies.

How does Amazon rank its products?

The A10 algorithm of Amazon is different from that of another search engine; consequently, you need to implement certain specific tactics for boosting your Amazon SEO rank.

Amazon prioritizes customer behavior, and this is revealed in terms of a customer’s product browsing preferences and purchase history. Elements that influence the order in which you see products on Amazon include:

  • Pricing information.
  • Customer reviews.
  • Type of images/videos on display.
  • Seller’s responsiveness to all inquiries.
Inner Image Cracking

These are some factors that you need to consider for Amazon search engine optimization. 

7 powerful Amazon marketing strategies to boost your business revenue

Write compelling product descriptions

Though your product descriptions do not directly affect the ranking, they impact visibility since they are indexed. Your product description is your opportunity to sell your brand and product in a way that gently encourages a customer. Talk about what makes your product unique and what benefits it provides to your customer.

Ensure that your product description is clear and compelling. You can incorporate some keywords and add a strong call-to-action for the conclusion. In addition, you can utilize some backend search terms for your keywords which can help boost your product’s search engine ranking on Amazon. Vserve product description writing services can help you gain a competitive edge in the Amazon market with product content that sells.

Incorporate high-resolution pictures

When you post information about any product online, it is vital to provide relevant information about your customer. Photographs and videos are important elements that help to generate conversions for a business. Ensure that your photos and videos are of high resolution. 

Product Photo Retouching

In Amazon, users can use the zoom-in feature to observe a product more closely. If, upon zooming in, a user finds a low-quality photo or a photo that shows something defective, it will immediately drive them away. Make sure that you are spending enough time taking high quality photos of your products before posting them online. If you need expert support to edit and enhance your product images, Vserve is here to help! You can get our image editing services for as low as $10/hour.

Encourage customers to review your products

The importance of hearing positive things about a product from another customer cannot be emphasized enough. Even in today’s world, people rely on word-of-mouth marketing and online reviews to understand whether others have been satisfied with using a product before deciding on whether they should use it. Amazon emphasizes customer reviews because of this reason and also because they want people to keep buying from them.

Products that have the best customer reviews lead to the most conversions. This helps these products get higher rankings on Amazon. When a customer buys any product from you, ask them to post an online review. Request them to give you honest feedback--you do not require five-star ratings to have a high rank.

Having a mixture of different types of reviews helps to gain trust from your prospective customers. In addition, striking a balanced review profile can help to build your credibility as an authentic seller.

Referral traffic

Optimizing your listing on Amazon is an excellent way to rank in a higher spot. However, the same tactic is being used by your competitors to drive sales on Amazon. So, what makes you different from them?

Utilize external traffic to drive interest to your website. Understand the trends of your consumers and the type of content they typically like to consume. By observing these trends, you can motivate them to visit your product page on Amazon. Depending on their preferences, you can collect data such as clicks and sources, which you can use to improve your target marketing efforts.

Use keywords

Keywords are an effective way to reach important leads and generate conversions. You can use keyword-generating tools to find relevant keywords for Amazon. Then, incorporate them into your title, product description, and in the backend of your product listing. 

Post competitive prices

Price is an important factor that determines the success of your marketing efforts on Amazon. Conduct in-depth research on prices offered by your competitors and post prices that would put you in competition with them. Monitor industry trends closely for all fluctuations in price.

Utilize bullets in product descriptions

Consumers prefer the product information presented in an easy-to-read and concise manner over long paragraphs. Incorporate bullets in your listings to enable your customer to grasp the essential facts about your product. This will make it easier for them to make a purchase decision.


Utilizing Amazon SEO is a great way to boost your revenue. By adopting the right marketing strategy, you can leverage tools offered by Amazon to direct more traffic to your products and turn them into conversions. 

With performance-driven Amazon SEO services, Vserve can help your business and your products become the choice of online shoppers. We have a decade of SEO and content optimization experience, plus our full suite of the best Amazon software to develop data-driven SEO and content optimization strategies that ultimately increase your product ranking and ROI.

Also read the related topics:

Amazon Pay-Per-Click (PPC) To Improve Conversion Rate