Powerhouses: Helium 10 vs. Jungle Scout for Amazon Sellers

Unveiling the Powerhouses: Helium 10 vs. Jungle Scout for Amazon Sellers

Amazon Management Services

Unveiling the Powerhouses: Helium 10 vs. Jungle Scout for Amazon Sellers

For competitive Amazon selling, wielding the right tools can be the best way to stay ahead of the curve in a competitive landscape. Today, we're diving deep into comparing two industry giants: Helium 10 and Jungle Scout. These tools act as your armor, ensuring you stay caught up by your FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) competitors. Amazon store management software has now come down to a two-horse race: Helium 10 and Jungle Scout.

Table of Contents

Comparison Between Helium 10 vs. Jungle Scout

I. Pricing: The Cost Dilemma

II. Accuracy of Revenue Estimates

III. Keyword Research Accuracy

IV. Features: A Collection of Tools

1. Finding New Product Ideas

2. Optimize Listings

3. Profit and Loss Dashboards

4. Garnering Reviews and Alerts

5. Inventory Management and Product Tracking

6. Jungle Scout's Supplier Database

7. Notable Helium 10 Features: A Toolbox of Distinctive Tools


Comparison Between Helium 10 vs. Jungle Scout

Jungle Scout and Helium 10 share significant Amazon store management features overlaps. However, juxtaposing them side by side can be bewildering due to their distinct packaging. Moreover, although insightful, Helium 10's unconventional naming conventions—Cerebro, Frankenstein, Scribbles, Black Box, Misspellinator—can initially leave you scratching your head.

The comparison of Jungle Scout and Helium 10 revolves around several crucial criteria:

I. Pricing: The Cost Dilemma

In terms of affordability, Jungle Scout takes the lead over Helium 10. A noteworthy twist in the tale is Helium 10's offering of a free plan, which Jungle Scout lacks. Helium 10's free plan provides a tantalizing glimpse into its Amazon store management features through a sample set. Both Jungle Scout and Helium 10 follow the path of a fixed monthly fee, regardless of the revenue generated. They also extend an annual upfront payment option, often at a discounted rate.

However, for serious Amazon sellers, both Amazon store management platforms recommend advancing to their higher-tier plans—Jungle Scout's Sweet Plan or Helium 10's Platinum Plan. While the entry-level plans provide a taste of functionalities, their usage caps render them inadequate for determined sellers. Though robust, Helium 10's Platinum Plan commands a fee of $97 per month, while Jungle Scout's counterpart stands at a more budget-friendly $69 per month. Although Helium 10's free plan adds value, Jungle Scout's edge in affordability remains pronounced, providing savings of approximately $30 per month.

II. Accuracy of Revenue Estimates

The accuracy of revenue estimates becomes a pivotal factor in Amazon store management. In this arena, Jungle Scout takes the lead over Helium 10. This claim is substantiated by real data from over 50 Amazon products. Both platforms offer sales estimation tools projecting a product's 30-day trailing revenue on Amazon.

Helium 10's X-Ray tool, powered by its Chrome extension, presents an array of metrics—sales revenue, fees, review count, and velocity. On the parallel track, Jungle Scout's Chrome extension echoes these functionalities, offering tools for product research. While both Amazon store management tools may exhibit a mild inflation of actual figures, Jungle Scout's estimates have a slight edge in accuracy.

III. Keyword Research Accuracy

The unavailability of exact keyword volume data for Amazon's A9 search engine mandates a degree of skepticism towards both Helium 10 and Jungle Scout's keyword figures. However, Amazon does unveil overall keyword rankings through Brand Analytics, empowering brand-registered sellers to dissect search terms, demographics, and repeat purchase frequencies.

A meticulous comparison ensures the alignment of search volumes with expectations in both Amazon store management tools. Typically, one would anticipate a descending search volume trend for lower-ranked keywords. Regarding keyword research, Helium 10's tool emerges as the victor regarding accuracy.

IV. Features: A Collection of Tools

Jungle Scout and Helium 10 have a suite of features. Let us study some of their shared and unique features.

1. Finding New Product Ideas

Their common arsenal includes a product research tool for uncovering innovative products and untapped niches that might have escaped your radar. For instance, Helium 10's product database yields items churning out a minimum of $2,000 per month, priced at $20, and boasting fewer than 200 reviews.

Jungle Scout's Opportunity Finder responds with search terms yielding no less than 300 monthly units sold, a search volume exceeding a thousand, and prices perched at $20 or higher. The convenience lies in these Amazon store management tools' ability to streamline the hunt for profitable products.

2. Optimize Listings

Furthermore, both Amazon store management platforms offer resources to craft and optimize Amazon listings. Jungle Scout's web app hosts a guided wizard, while Helium 10 flaunts the Scribbles listing optimizer tool. Acknowledging the pivotal role of Amazon SEO, both tools facilitate tracking of targeted keywords over time, ensuring efficient management of search optimization endeavors.

3. Profit and Loss Dashboards

Beyond numbers, profitability reigns supreme. Jungle Scout and Helium 10 step in with comprehensive profit and loss dashboards. These Amazon store management dashboards are the lens through which you monitor your account's health while also spotlighting the array of Amazon seller fees chipping away at your profits. Understanding your numbers and maintaining profitability—the cornerstone of success—is artfully addressed by these tools.

4. Garnering Reviews and Alerts

Both Jungle Scout and Helium 10 empower you to navigate through reviews while also offering listing alerts and notifications. Amazon store management alerts extend real-time updates about critical alterations to your product listings.

These alerts ensure you're always primed for action. Additionally, you can set thresholds for metrics like Best Seller Rank (BSR) and product rating, providing continuous monitoring of your listing's performance. You also get immediate alerts for negative reviews, enabling prompt and pertinent responses.5. Inventory Management and Product Tracking
Managing inventory in Amazon store management is an art, ensuring you never run out of stock or suffer from storage excess. Jungle Scout and Helium 10 unravel inventory management tools, facilitating predictions and timely replenishments.

The product tracker tool, a shared feature, equips you to monitor product performance across varying periods, a boon for understanding sales trends and seasonal shifts.

6. Jungle Scout's Supplier Database

Jungle Scout introduces a game-changing tool: Supplier Database. This Amazon store management tool draws from public records and unveils shipment insights into the U.S., delving into every container, boat, and imported product.

This Supplier Database, accessible via the Jungle Scout web app, offers a treasure trove of information—Amazon sellers, suppliers, and shipment volumes. This intel makes identifying potential suppliers and distinguishing Jungle Scout a breeze.

7. Notable Helium 10 Features: A Toolbox of Distinctive Tools

Helium 10 has an array of tools absent in Jungle Scout. For instance, the "Misspelling Eraser" identifies keyword misspellings for backend listing optimization. However, comprehensive keyword research tools inherently highlight these misspellings during the research phase. Another Amazon store management tool, the "Review Downloader," simplifies review collection by aggregating ASIN reviews.

Helium 10 shines with a mobile app, bringing Amazon statistics to your fingertips. They have integrated the profitability calculator into their Chrome extension. However, the crux lies in the "Refund Genie," a feature streamlining FBA reimbursements. This tool automates the hunt for opportunities, generates pre-written messages, estimates refunds, and tracks pending reimbursements—integral to Helium 10's Platinum Plan.


While Helium 10's suite plan emerges as the more cost-effective option, individual preferences and priorities steer the ship. The Jungle Scout Supplier Database, absent in Helium 10, brings unparalleled value. The choice between Helium 10 and Jungle Scout is more than a business decision; it is a strategic move.

If you're seeking Amazon marketplace management services for assistance managing your Amazon store, look no further than Vserve Amazon Listing Services. With their expertise in Amazon store management, they can help optimize your product listings, enhance your visibility, and improve your overall selling performance on the platform. Don't hesitate to contact Vserve ALS for comprehensive and effective Amazon store management services.

This blog is inspired by the video, The Best Amazon Seller Tool (For The Money) - Helium 10 Vs Jungle Scout’ by ‘MyWifeQuitHerJob Ecommerce Channel.’