Amazon VA Support Team Is Better Than Hiring One Assistant

How Amazon Virtual Assistant Support Team is better than Hiring One Assistant

How Amazon Virtual Assistant Support Team Is Better Than Hiring One Assistant

How Amazon Virtual Assistant Support Team is better than Hiring One Assistant

When you are running an Amazon business, you may have several activities and tasks in your hand. Most of these tasks may take all your energy and time. Amazon business owners should let someone skilled handle these tasks and should focus more on core business. Successful business owners spend their time and energy on high-volume activities like the growth of the business while assigning minute tasks to Amazon virtual assistants.

When looking for an Amazon virtual assistant online, you may come across two options: Amazon remote support team and one Amazon Assistant operating solely. Amazon business owners need to choose between the two to hire and assign their tasks to them. While one Amazon VA will be working alone and have a limited set of skills, an Amazon virtual team would likely have a team of professionals with different skill sets required for your business.

Are you confused about which of the two options would be better for your Amazon business? Here are five points to help you understand why an Amazon virtual assistant support team would be better for your business than hiring one Amazon VA. 

1. You can opt for multiple skill sets under one roof

When you hire a virtual assistant team, you will avail the services of a team of professionals with different skill sets. This will be additionally beneficial if you want to assign various tasks that require different skill sets. For example, a business may require a virtual assistant for various tasks, such as Amazon product listing, Amazon listing optimization, graphics designing, content writing, website development, remote support, or market research. One person cannot handle all these tasks efficiently. Hence, hiring an Amazon remote team is the best option when you have several types of tasks to assign to a virtual assistant. 

The support team will have professionals with expertise in different skills to assign them various tasks associated with your business. However, when you hire an individual, they might not be an expert in handling various tasks. One person would be efficient in a couple of skills. Hence, it is better to hire a virtual assistant support team for your Amazon business.

2. You get a dedicated manager

When you hire a support team, you will be assigned a dedicated manager who will monitor the work throughout the project. The manager will assist you in everything you need and guide you throughout the project to get your tasks done effectively at the right time. A support team ensures that you get things done precisely how you need. On the other hand, when you hire an individual virtual assistant from sites such as Fiverr or Upwork, you will not get a dedicated manager to assist you while working with the virtual assistant. 

If a virtual assistant is not working efficiently, your only option is to leave the VA and start from the beginning to look for a new virtual assistant. However, when you hire a team from a reliable virtual assistant service provider, you can contact the manager and ask for support or a new virtual assistant. 

3. You get around-the-clock services

Need to provide 24x7 support to your Amazon customers? Amazon remote team can be your go-to option. You need a support team to provide around-the-clock support services to your customers, and hiring multiple individuals won’t be a solution. When you hire a virtual assistant team, you can ask for support services and assign them other tasks related to your Amazon business. 

When you choose to hire a virtual assistant team, you can increase or decrease the number of VAs that can work for you. However, if you hire an individual, you will need to look for a new VA when you need more people to work. 

4. You can use more hands during peak time

During the peak times like offers and high season, you may experience more sales, and you might need more hands to help you handle orders, customer support, inventory, and other tasks. You can ask for more virtual assistants to assist you for however long you want in such cases. Hire additional professional virtual assistants with the right skill within the same team, so you don’t have to worry about managing different people from different platforms. 

On the other hand, when you hire an individual Amazon virtual assistant working solely, you will have to look for more options from the beginning. That too, when you are preoccupied with other tempting tasks of your business, this creates additional pressure.

5. They offer more flexibility

When you want to hire an Amazon virtual assistant for a short-term or project basis, the virtual assistant you hired previously may not be available for the project. When you choose a remote team of virtual assistants, the team can provide you with a replacement when the previously hired Amazon VA is not available to handle your project. The team of virtual assistants ensures better availability and flexibility compared to an individual virtual assistant. 

On the contrary, if you hire an individual virtual assistant on a project basis, they might not be available to take the next gig from you as they might be preoccupied with other tasks. This will leave you in the middle, with no one to assign the task. Hence, when you want a virtual assistant on a part-time or project basis, it is better to look for an Amazon virtual team and get the maximum flexibility of hiring a virtual assistant as and when required. 


An Amazon virtual assistant support team will be a better option when your business needs a virtual assistant, no matter your requirements. Whether you want to hire for part-time, full-time, or project basis, a support team ensures better results, flexibility, availability, and support. 

Do you want to hire a virtual assistant support team specific to your business needs? Sign up for a free 30-minute consultation with your dedicated program manager now!