E-Commerce Data Standardization Services for Sellers in Amazon – $5 per man hour

Do you realize that the strength of the products you sell on Amazon depends on the data you will place? The more detailed and accurate the data, the better the chance of standardizing the available data on Amazon. We help you with Amazon product standardization and enhancement.

We have experts who will ensure the data is consistent and remove duplicate and redundant entries.

Amazon Product Data Standardization

Amazon Product Data Normalization and Standardization Services

Give your customers quick and easy access to all your product information and the confidence that the information is accurate and up to date. Our product standardization services range starts with thoroughly auditing your current Amazon product statistics. We check the existing technical specifications for each product. Find the errors, gaps, and duplicates in the data, and with the available information, we

Standardize the units of measurements

We double-check the product attributes and values to see if they comply with the uniform standards. In case of any discrepancies, our team will normalize the units and convert them to ensure consistency across product ranges, allowing your online shoppers to easily compare before buying them.

Remove redundant and duplicate data

We remove redundant and obsolete information from your product database as part of the data normalization process. We match, merge, or eliminate duplicates to create clear and accurate records.

Edit your product descriptions

Trace and correct the errors in your product descriptions. Our team can fix typos and abbreviation changes in your product descriptions and enhance the content with needed information.

Update time-sensitive information

Identifying the time-sensitive data will update the pricing and availability of information as and when required.

We use product data normalization services to ensure the database is effectively updated and organized. We also follow data quality standards and guidelines to ensure that all of your Amazon products are in a consistent format.

Why Vserve?

Why not? When we can help you gain a competitive advantage over others on Amazon

  • We have the right team, technical expertise, and Amazon-specific skill set to deliver a complete suite of Amazon listing and management services.
  • We assure you that the information provided to your potential customer is 100% accurate.
  • Your data security is our top priority, which is why we have the right measures in place to keep your data confidential.
  • Want to evaluate our competence? Sign up for a free trial to check the quality of work before signing the contract.

Partner With Us

As the best Amazon support service provider, our performance is widely appreciated for ensuring quality and efficiency. As part of our ecommerce product data management services, we dive deep into your database to make necessary additions and changes to list your product and brand exceptionally on the platform. Partner with Vserve to build the best product database for Amazon.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of data standardization services?

The benefits include –

  • Easy comparison
  • Opportunity to increase conversion rate
  • Better sales performance
  • Easily accessible information
  • Customer satisfaction

How do product data normalization and standardization work?

The product normalization process involves organizing and cleansing the unstructured eCommerce contents and data to improve data accuracy and quality. It also involves standardizing product attributes across the database.

What are the consequences of inadequate and inaccurate product data?

The data inconsistency in terms of measurement units and attributes will confuse the customers while making the purchase. Your customers with no accurate information will take a long time to reach the product page and make the right decision, leading to more reduced sales and more product returns.